
Leaps Beyond Bounds

February 22 – February 25, 2024
7:30 – 7PM

The AMERICAN DANCE GUILD PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL will return to the Ailey Citigroup Theater, 405 West 55th Street (NYC), February 22 through February 25 with Leaps Beyond Bounds, a four-night program celebrating the Guild’s 68th anniversary. Thirty new and historical dance works will be shown, with this year’s honors celebrating the late choreographer Joan Miller (Lifetime Achievement Award), Ron K. Brown/Evidence (Lifetime Achievement Award), and Celia Ipiotis/Eye on Dance (Distinguished Service in Dance - Lifetime Achievement Award).

Opening night, February 22, features all three ADG honorees and includes an awards ceremony and reception. Joan Miller, known for her bold and sometimes political statements will be represented by three solo works, courtesy of Sheila Kaminsky. Ron K. Brown will show a work with his company Evidence on opening night and on Sunday; Celia Ipiotis will share her rich innovative history of bringing dance to television and other media. Each honoree will show their work more than once over the Festival weekend.

The ADG Festival participating artists represent a wide variety of aesthetic and cultural voices, reflecting the broad spectrum of American dance life and the diverse character of dance today. Works by both mature and emerging artists will be shown, including veterans Claire Porter, CHEN DANCE THEATER, Douglas Dunn, and recent Bessie (New York Dance and Performance Awards) winner YOUNG SOON KIM.