Women Make Movies Fall 2011 Workshops pt.1

November 9 – November 16, 2011
6:30 – 8:30PM


(part 1)

Hear It From Your Peers: Kickstarter Success Stories Wednesday, November 9 | 6:30-8:30 pm $20 (reg rate) / $15 (discount rate) Everyone seems to be starting a Kickstarter campaign these days to raise funds for their films – but not all of them reach their goal, which can lead to disappointment and abandoned projects. Hear from fellow filmmakers’ own successful experiences before you dive into this brave, new world. We are excited to have WMM’s Production Assistance Program filmmakers Gayle Kirschenbaum (MY NOSE: THE BIGGER VERSION) and Kathy Leichter (HERE ONE DAY) and Associate Producer Noelle Barnes (HERE ONE DAY) come share their stories and give tips and guidance on how to ensure you hit your mark.

Fear of Fundraising: An Essential Overview of the Basics Wednesday, November 16 | 6:30-8:30 pm $35 (reg. rate) / $25 (discount rate)

Fundraising for documentaries can be intimidating and even overwhelming for those who are new to it. But without it, even the best film ideas will never be realized. This workshop is designed for filmmakers who are considering a funding proposal, identify a likely project funder or pitch a project to a potential funder or broadcaster. Topics include: proposal writing, grant-seeking from private and government foundations, fundraising from individuals, and targeted appeals through events and on-line solicitations. Attendees will receive an essential packet of fundraising tips and resources. Presented by Tracie Holder, filmmaker, fundraiser and consultant to WMM’s Production Assistance Program.

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